Consumer Demographics Prediction.

Consumer Demographics Prediction.

Category : People

Custom demographic data appending, segmenting and analytics for any list containing first names and last names. Demographic data prediction is powered by Demografy AI that extracts customer demographics from names with 100% coverage, accuracy preview before purchase and GDPR-compliance. Demografy is a privacy by design customer demographics prediction AI platform. Core features: - Demographic segmentation - Demographic analytics - API integration - Data export Key advantages: - 100% coverage of lists - Accuracy estimate before purchase - GDPR-compliance as no sensitive data is required. Demografy can work with only first names or masked last names
Demografy LLC (United States) on databroker
Data Provided by : Demografy LLC

All data products from Demografy LLC

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Custom demographic data appending, segmenting and analytics for any list containing first names and last names. Demographic data prediction is powered by Demografy AI that extracts customer demographics from names with 100% coverage, accuracy preview before purchase and GDPR-compliance.

Demografy is a privacy by design customer demographics prediction AI platform.

Core features:
- Demographic segmentation
- Demographic analytics
- API integration
- Data export

Key advantages:
- 100% coverage of lists
- Accuracy estimate before purchase
- GDPR-compliance as no sensitive data is required. Demografy can work with only first names or masked last names
Use Cases
- Actionable analytics about your customers to get demographic insights
- Appending missing demographic data to your records for customer segmentation and targeted marketing campaigns
- Enhanced personalization knowing you customer better
Data Products
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