Location based data for 1M+ people living in India.

Location based data for 1M+ people living in India.

Category : Geographics

The data is real time location of 1M+people living in India. It can be accessed via our API services.
Datadiscover (India) on databroker
Data Provided by : Datadiscover

All data products from Datadiscover

Contact Data Provider
The data is real time location of 1M+people living in India. It can be accessed via our API services.
Use Cases
1. Consumer Insights

- Understand consumer behavior to be used by businesses for advertisement purposes. Businesses can use our API services to message users when they are near their business location.

2. Insurance Industry
-Analytics we provide on data can be used by insurance industry to selectively target users for example based on whether they are living sedentary lifestyle or not.
Data Products
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