Weather history in South Africa

Weather history in South Africa

Category : Environment

In South Africa there are the following climates: - The cool and arid climate of the west coast (Namib desert). - The subtropical climate of the southern coast, with Mediterranean characteristics, that is, with a dry summer, in the westernmost part (see Cape Town), while there is no dry season in the eastern part (see Durban). - The climate of the plateau, which covers most of the country, with dry, sunny winters, during which it can get cold at night, and hot summers, during which thunderstorms can break out. The plateau is more arid in the western part, where there is a desert, than in the eastern part, where there are several cities including Johannesburg and Pretoria. The Republic of South Africa, the southernmost African country, extends from 22° to 34° south latitude. Being in the Southern Hemisphere, it has seasons reversed compared to Europe or North America.
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In South Africa there are the following climates:
- The cool and arid climate of the west coast (Namib desert).
- The subtropical climate of the southern coast, with Mediterranean characteristics, that is, with a dry summer, in the westernmost part (see Cape Town), while there is no dry season in the eastern part (see Durban).
- The climate of the plateau, which covers most of the country, with dry, sunny winters, during which it can get cold at night, and hot summers, during which thunderstorms can break out. The plateau is more arid in the western part, where there is a desert, than in the eastern part, where there are several cities including Johannesburg and Pretoria.

The Republic of South Africa, the southernmost African country, extends from 22° to 34° south latitude. Being in the Southern Hemisphere, it has seasons reversed compared to Europe or North America.
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Cape Town 10 years historical weather, per hour
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(1) city location identifier (up to 9 alphanumeric characters)| (2) observation time in UTC (String as YYYYMMDDhhmm)| (3) observation time in LST (Local Standard Time) (String as YYYYMMDDhhmm)| (4) observation time in local time (String as YYYYMMDDhhmm)| (5) daylight status (Character - 'D' for daytime icons, 'N' for nighttime icons)| (6) sky descriptor (Integer - see lookup)| (7) precipitation descriptor (Integer - see lookup)| (8) temperature descriptor (Integer - see lookup)| (9) additional air descriptor (optional) (Integer - see lookup)| (10) temperature (Floating Point - Celsius)| (11) wind speed (Floating Point - km/hr.)| (12) wind direction (Integer - compass degrees, 0 - 359, 0 == North)| (13) wind gusts [optional] (Floating Point - km/hr.)| (14) humidity (Integer - percent)| (15) dew point (Floating Point - Celsius)| (16) comfort level (Floating Point - Celsius)| (17) sea level pressure (Floating Point - millibars)| (18) barometric tendency ('S' - Steady, 'F' - Falling, 'R')

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Region - South Africa
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