Mobile Bank Prepaid Debit Card Transaction Data

Mobile Bank Prepaid Debit Card Transaction Data

Category : Economy

We derive our data set by exporting the transaction data from our banking software, removing all PII, and anonymizing any remaining data to derive the following fields per transaction: -Numerical Age of Customer -Gender of Customer -Zip Code of Customer Primary City of Residence -Transaction Timestamp -Transaction Amount -Transaction Description -MCC Code -Card Type
TOKENCENT® (United States) on databroker
Data Provided by : TOKENCENT®

All data products from TOKENCENT®

Contact Data Provider
We derive our data set by exporting the transaction data from our banking software, removing all PII, and anonymizing any remaining data to derive the following fields per transaction:

-Numerical Age of Customer
-Gender of Customer
-Zip Code of Customer Primary City of Residence
-Transaction Timestamp
-Transaction Amount
-Transaction Description
-MCC Code
-Card Type
Use Cases
Our data set is applicable for a variety of use cases that include the analysis of spending by age, gender, location, and product. As our banking customer base continues to grow, our data set will become increasingly reflective of overall U.S. spending.
Data Products
Product Name Access Period Price Purchase View