750K customer transaction records in the online cannabis/hemp retail space

750K customer transaction records in the online cannabis/hemp retail space

Category : Economy

These records are result of purchases made by consumers online for cannabis/hemp products with order values above $150 on average. Data includes emails, phone numbers, geographical segmentation, and types of products purchased.
Nova Digital LLC (United States) on databroker
Data Provided by : Nova Digital LLC

All data products from Nova Digital LLC

Contact Data Provider
These records are result of purchases made by consumers online for cannabis/hemp products with order values above $150 on average. Data includes emails, phone numbers, geographical segmentation, and types of products purchased.
Use Cases
This data can be used to drive product sales in the cannabis/hemp space using direct response digital marketing. It can also be used to identify which geographical markets have the largest use of cannabis/hemp products so if a company in this sector is looking to expand its operations they would have a clear road map of where to go
Data Products
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