Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Historical data, with lat, long, time and vehicle number and speed.

Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Historical data, with lat, long, time and vehicle number and speed.

Category : Geographics

Available data points: 1. location coordinates 2. Speed 3. Tracking time 4. Vehicle number 5. history of data 6. route of the vehicle. More data points can be offered if needed, also history of data available
antifragile (India) on databroker
Data Provided by : antifragile

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Available data points:
1. location coordinates
2. Speed
3. Tracking time
4. Vehicle number
5. history of data
6. route of the vehicle.

More data points can be offered if needed, also history of data available
Use Cases
The data could be used for marketing purpose , analytics or any other purpose
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