Dataset of telegram users with Telegram ID -> name, birthday, sex, phone number, user agent, ip etc

Dataset of telegram users with Telegram ID -> name, birthday, sex, phone number, user agent, ip etc

Category : People

Dataset of telegram user ordered by chat_id Each row isnt completed at 100% but we can find Telegram Chat ID, First name, last name, sex, birthday, smartphone number, language, country/timezone, cap, last position (coordinates), user agent, ip and finally personal details like: income, marriage, degree, job, kids... Personal preference associated to the user like: a json containing a CATEGORY LABEL, AVERAGE SCORE and NUMBER OF OCCURENCE. Example: the user click on a link that is labeled as television/music/tv with a score of 0,75 and technology and computing at 0,99 The user will be associated to these labels. If click another link, the new labels will be added to the dataset. 79281 row from the world 30% with phone numbers IMPORTANT: each row can be completed or not
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Dataset of telegram user ordered by chat_id
Each row isnt completed at 100% but we can find Telegram Chat ID, First name, last name, sex, birthday, smartphone number, language, country/timezone, cap, last position (coordinates), user agent, ip and finally personal details like: income, marriage, degree, job, kids...

Personal preference associated to the user like: a json containing a CATEGORY LABEL, AVERAGE SCORE and NUMBER OF OCCURENCE.

Example: the user click on a link that is labeled as television/music/tv with a score of 0,75 and technology and computing at 0,99

The user will be associated to these labels. If click another link, the new labels will be added to the dataset.

79281 row from the world
30% with phone numbers
IMPORTANT: each row can be completed or not
Use Cases
Understand what kind of people click on some content and the phone number needed if want to start a marketing campaign
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