Identification of european organizations

Identification of european organizations

Category : Geographics

The data represents the list of companies in more than 4 european countries, it can be extended to any country on request. Contact us to know more about our crawling services. Currently we crawled and maintain up to date the following list of companies : - Germany : +-7 million companies - France : 6 million companies - Belgium : 1.1 million companies - Luxembourg : 150K companies The data contains the following fields : - company name - company full address - key activities - coordinates (lat / lon) - company description - company image(s) - opening hours - payment method (for shops only) - website - email - phone number
Ergon Finance (Belgium) on databroker
Data Provided by : Ergon Finance

All data products from Ergon Finance

Contact Data Provider
The data represents the list of companies in more than 4 european countries, it can be extended to any country on request. Contact us to know more about our crawling services.

Currently we crawled and maintain up to date the following list of companies :
- Germany : +-7 million companies
- France : 6 million companies
- Belgium : 1.1 million companies
- Luxembourg : 150K companies

The data contains the following fields :
- company name
- company full address
- key activities
- coordinates (lat / lon)
- company description
- company image(s)
- opening hours
- payment method (for shops only)
- website
- email
- phone number
Use Cases
The data is particularly interesting for sales and marketing teams for market research, lead generation, etc.
Data Products
Product Name Access Period Price Purchase View
List of companies in Germany (+-7 million)
Static Product

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Type - File
Region - Europe
Share Type-
List of companies from France (+-6 millions)
Static Product

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Type - File
Region - Europe
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List of companies from Belgium (+- 1.1 millions)
Static Product

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Type - File
Region - Europe
Share Type-
List of companies from Luxembourg (+-150,000)
Static Product

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Type - File
Region - Europe
Share Type-