

  • Do prices include VAT/sales tax?

    The purchase price shown on the marketplace includes all taxes.
  • How does bidding work?

    While some data products can be purchased immediately, others may allow or oblige you to send a bid to the data provider.

    In this case, your bid is sent directly to the data provider, who also sees your name and your company. Your bid is not published on the marketplace or visible to any other parties. You can always find an overview of the bids you have sent in the Bids sent section of your account.

    The data provider can accept or reject your bid. When they do so, you’ll receive an email with their response.

    Bids are not binding, so even if your bid is accepted, you can still decide whether or not to buy the data at the agreed price. To proceed with buying
    the data at that price, you can either click the link in the email you receive, or access the purchase page via the
    Bids sent section of your account. 

    If your bid is rejected, you can easily send a new bid via the link in the email you receive, or via the Bids sent section of your account.

  • What payment methods can I use?

    You can pay using a credit or debit card – Databroker supports Visa, Mastercard, Maestro and American Express.
  • What if data is listed as ‘free’?

    If a data product is listed as ‘free’, you can access the data for the time period indicated at no cost.

    A free data product is treated the same as a purchased data product; you’ll still receive a confirmation email with a link to access or download the data, a reminder email when the access has expired, and you’ll see the details of the data product in the My purchases section of your account.
  • Can I purchase data products anonymously?

    No, it is not possible to purchase data products anonymously. When you purchase a data product, the data provider receives your first and last name, as well as your company name. 
  • Can I see an overview of all the data I’ve purchased? 

    Yes, you can find the details all your purchases, including data you have accessed for free, in the My purchases section of your account.

    For each data product, you can find details about: the access period; a link to download or access the data as well as the expiry date of the link; the expiry date of your 30-day warranty; and a link to file a complaint if there is a problem with the data.